My company ZODIOLOGY is a counselling service specialising in my background of Psychology and Astrology. The intention of my work is to find Resolution (in concerned areas), and establishing the issues at hand, so we work together in understanding the best Relationship for you.
Including- Personal Relationships, Relating to your Children & a Healthier Environment for Everyone.
General information
At Zodiology, I will help you to distinguish between a "Healthy" & "Unhealthy" Relationship. We look at determining what areas need improvement, and how to use awareness and acceptance within your Relationships to create Harmony!
A relationship between a parent and child is a complex one. Whether you are a single parent, married, have one child or several.
Each child deserves to be treated independently of the other, and their personality respected. We as parents, need to really understand our Children, so as to have the best possible Relationship now and in the future.
Our Idealistic v's Realistic views don't always balance each other out, and hence where problems start!
We all evolve differently i.e.:-Career, School, Environment...maintaining our relationships is sometimes not as simple as we'd like it to be...
There will be times when we lose sight of what we actually want to achieve in life, we put too much emphasis and strain on ourselves and forget that our actions also dictate our environment for our children.
With so much going on with everyday it all too much? And more importantly, is it affecting our children?? And our Personal Relationships???
However, we can create so much more abundance, prosperity and joy by making simple changes. And most importantly, live a long, happy, healthy life... spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.
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