What Can Massage Therapy Do For You
A regular massage can help those of us dedicated to personal fitness and a healthy lifestyle. Massage therapy should therefore be regarded as an important part of your fitness routine. Research establishes that regular massage therapy increases muscle tone and flexibility, improves range of motion and reduces recovery time. Since massage acts as an "auxiliary heart" by increasing circulation, it thus facilitates the elimination of toxins and other metabolic wastes generated as a by- product of resistance training. Additionally, massage therapy reduces the time that it takes the body to heal from injury.
Why You Should Get Regular Massages!
An investment in regular massage therapy will ensure that all bodily systems function at an optimal level. And, for those dedicated to regular training sessions in the gym, massage therapy will enhance performance, maximize gains, and reduce your risk of injury.
Don't let your minor injury develop into a major setback.
Remedial/ Sports Massage Availability at City Gym
Wednesday: 2pm-8pm Thursday: 3pm-9pm
Home studio ( by appt) call mobile 0404 409 685
www.colinmooney.com.au Health Fund Rebates Available
facebook: massage@citygym
BOOK AT RECEPTION: for massage at City gym
9 360 62 47
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