Child Recovery Australia is an international organisation, specialising in recovering parentally abducted children worldwide. With over 25 years of extensive experience. Our best references are our satisfied clients. We encourage you to speak to them.
Child Recovery Australia has assisted Australian Federal Police and State Police in their investigations into abducted children for more than 20 years. We have successfully located and recovered well over 100 children.
Child Recovery Australia recovers children abducted to and from Australia. We have experience in the recovery of parentally abducted children to and from Algeria, Australia, Canada, Cook Islands, Denmark, Switzerland, England, Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia, Norway, Mexico, Cambodia, Sweden, Lebanon, China, South Korea, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Israel, Poland, U.S.A, Kenya, New Zealand and Vanuatu. Child Recovery Australia has existing contacts already operating in these regions with access to databases, technology and extensive search capabilities.
Hague Convention cases can be resolved in half the time by utilising our services. We have successfully reduced the average time of 3 to 6 months to 3 to 6 weeks on several occasions.
Child Recovery will start looking for your child almost immediately. If necessary we will engage the services of other experienced investigators and professionals to assist in locating the whereabouts of your child.
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