My name is Bev Handley & I am a Wedding & Funeral Celebrant.
Thanks so much for stopping by to take a look and see if you feel I may be the celebrant for you.
A ceremony is a beautiful way to define an important event or special occasion in your life, or to celebrate and honour the life of a loved one who has passed. It is vital that you find a Celebrant you're comfortable & happy with, as the type of service that she/he provides will leave a lasting impression on you & your family and friends. Just as each couple is unique, so too is each celebrant & their style of ceremony content & delivery.
I'm more than happy for you to pop over for a cuppa (or cold drink) & a chat so you can meet me, & we can discuss some of the details of your special ceremony (totally obligation-free).
I am fortunate to be based in the outskirts of Brisbane, near Ipswich, where there are many wonderful locations nearby for weddings, funerals or memorial services. Any of these ceremonies, may be held at a place of your choosing, such as in your own backyard, in the Botanic Gardens, on a Sailing Boat in Moreton Bay, at a Golf Course, along the Brisbane River, on a beach of the Gold or Sunshine Coasts, or even in a Hot Air Balloon... the options are almost endless.
I am committed to ensuring that your ceremony is delivered in a stress-free, friendly & professional manner, with respect for each person's unique & individual needs. I will attend to all legal requirements (where necessary), dress appropriately for your ceremony, & offer complete support during the whole process.
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