Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine, without the use of drugs. Colon hydrotherapy cleans, hydrates, and strengthens the colon significantly. The procedure helps to rejuvenate every cell of the body, releasing toxins, cleansing the blood, empowering the immune system, and restoring the pH balance in the body.
Regular colon hydrotherapy rids the body of impacted faecal matter, parasites, mucus, yeast and unwanted bacteria. Benefits include an improved inner ecology, a better absorption of nutrients, a reduction in toxins, and a general feeling of well being.
At Adelaide Colonic Health, we use the LIBBE system, the finest State of the Art equipment on the market. It is gentle and completely safe. The water arrives in the colon by gravity and NOT by pressure so there is no risk of perforation.
You are covered at all times. Your privacy and modesty is honoured. You can read, listen to music or just be.
There is no greater feeling than that of complete optimal health. It is imperative that we take the time to care for our own well being, in order to rebalance, rejuvenate and reenergise our mind and body. At Adelaide Colonic Health we are exclusively dedicated to colon hydrotherapy and our aim is to assist you on your journey to a healthier you.
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