M-Plan offers a comprehensive range of town planning services throughout the metropolitan Melbourne and the regional areas of Victoria.
M-Plan offers a service specializing in all areas of statutory and strategic planning with extensive experience in both the public sector and the development industry.
Through a combination of extensive local government experience and a thorough knowledge of the Victorian planning provisions, the operations of M-Plan Planning Consultants provides a highly professional and cost-effective planning service. Services are suited to the clients specific needs, resulting in a service that balances client objectives with planning requirements.
Planning Expertise
M-Plan town planning advice in relation to residential, retail, commercial, subdivison, industrial, rural planning applications in both urban and rural settings.
Services which are offered by M-Plan are the following:
pre-application advice
the preparation of application documentation such as ResCode reports;
management of planning applications;
representation at VCAT and Planning Panels;
submissions and preparation to planning scheme amendments;
letters of objections to planning application;
planning enforcement issues.
The M-plan approach seeks to provide win-win outcomes and creative solutions to an increasingly complex planning system.
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