The increased focus on energy and sustainability is driving a thirst for information. Whether it?s meeting the requirements of compliance or voluntary reporting schemes, or responding to requests from internal stakeholders, the task of gathering, managing, analyzing and reporting on data can be complex, costly and time consuming.
This is particularly the case for energy and sustainability data, which requires the collection of disparate data from a multitude of siloed utilities, suppliers and business systems. The ability to harness and manage these data types with the same rigor applied to financial data is key to unlocking value.
Using Envizi?s sophisticated data capture and management tools you can lower the cost and complexity of capturing, managing and sharing your energy and sustainability data. Envizi provides the single source of truth from which reports and business intelligence can be delivered to multiple internal and external stakeholders with confidence in the accuracy and completeness of the source data.
Envizi enables you to share insights, and increase engagement and effectiveness of your initiatives. With Envizi you can provide multiple stakeholders with the right information at the right time, in a format that is relevant to their role. The software helps you improve engagement on energy and sustainability initiatives through the provision of meaningful visualizations and metrics backed up by the ability to track and share results.
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