Welcome to MadrasHouse (Catering Specialists)
Dear client friends, to put it in southern Indian and general Indian vernaculars "vanakkam"(meaning a warmest welcome). Established in 2002, the proud owners, tested quality kitchen chefs and front services staff are well-equipped to make you the tasty meals, beverage services and culturally rich client-care services.We make you feel at home with a welcome smile and guide you through the selection process if required to pick the right combination of dishes. Our a la carte ordered menus are importantly freshly stocked, prepared and freshly served to our customers.
From the point of view of both nutrition and health, our cooking is perfectly balanced. Low both in fat and cholesterol. Canola oil is sparingly used to seal the flavours of the vegetable and meat. The food from Southern India: Thosas of all kinds, different flavours of rice, and dishes with lighter, subtly fresher flavour with the use of coconut milk as a common cooking ingredient. The food from Northern India: Mainly breads with dishes which has a thick sauce and dairy products such as cream, paneer, ghee, and youghurt. These dishes are warmly flavoured rather than heat from chillies
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