Adult�¢??s Classes; THUR 7- 9 SAT 10 - 12
Designed to help you discover your creative nature.
You will learn in a friendly and dynamic environment, as we support you in your creative development, you just need the right atmosphere and guidance to allow your creativity to unfold. We offer a wide range of art courses to choose from. We focus on every student finding their own �¢??way; classes in Drawing, Painting, Mixed Media, sculpture and more. Each week we will work with dynamic exercises that are systematically designed to help build your knowledge and experience. Each exercise develops from the proceeding ones and will sharpen your observational skills and develop your self-expression. as well you will experiment with a variety of different mediums, including charcoal, graphite, ink and paint. We will explore working on small and large scale drawings, working from life, from memory and photos.
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