SERVICES: Apart from Gatehouse duties we offer a vast range of services we keep secret and don't advertise as our competitors try and copy us. Full disclosure of services are discussed onsite face to face with the client.
HISTORY:Our company has 15 years security industry experience and 11years of these years in the coal mining sector to educate, encourage and enforce your sites Health & Safety Management system. To assist our clients to meet their business and legislative obligations.
STAFF: Our staff are highly qualified, self motivated and participate in continual improvement of their own professional development. Our staff present themselves in such a way as to bring credit upon the clients we represent.
We are not the biggest company we the best company.
One mine has been with us for the total 11 years. There are not too many security companies that have held a contract at the same mine for more than 4 years let alone 11years with another 4 year contract to serve!
If you think your workplace would like to trial our services. Please contact us on the details listed here.
Regards: Peter Heumiller
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