Vedard Security is China professional wholesaler & retailer supplier of home & commercial security equipment, GSM alarm systems, PSTN alarm systems, burglar alarms, fire alarms and alarm detectors.
The products range from smart PIR built-in store eye-on monitor, villa security solution, home intrusion detection, house warning alarms, apartment wireless complete alarms, auto dial telephone alarms and hotel security project alarms, school security alarms, community monitor equipment, enterprise sophistical security solution network alarm systems.
Our products are CE approval and have been sold world wide. Our clients include security system installers, alarm service providers, security monitor companies, hardware retail and wholesaler store and end-users of house owner, store owner and residents.
Detailed products user's manual and alarm installation guidance, security solution, alarm solution can be provided before sales. Technical support with usage, alarm detector set up, alarm zone set up, alarm programming will be provided after sales.
Quality of all products are guaranteed. All products are in original factory package with gift box or neutral package for reselling.
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