Use our Space Calculator to work out how much space you need, make a booking using our Internet Booking service, obtain a Quote by emailing us what you have to store along with your contact details, make a list of all the Packaging Supplies you require, and all that is left is to move in.
Complete Self Storage & Packaging Supplies on Redland Bay Road, cannot go un-noticed as our facility boasts Redlands highest flagpole. At 30 metres high and adorned with an Australian Flag measuring 10m by 5 m, it is one of the most noticed commercial sites in Capalaba.
With the ever increasing traffic on Redland Bay road, commuters have had a little more time to take a glance upwards and notice the big Aussie Flag.
We have had comments from customers, passers by, and the odd telephone call from locals especially when the flag is not flying!
Some comments include we use your flag as a guide for winds, if to go fishing or not?, and its a landmark that even other businesses close to you use to describe their locality.?
Complete Self Storage has 7 day 24 hour video surveillance cameras and motion sensors, and has alarms in every storage unit.
Some other benefits of storing with us are 7 days Electronic Gate access, personalised Pin Code, On Site resident Manager, Large Roller door access, Trailer for hire, Fork Lift hire, packaging supplies, and especially that friendly smile on arrival.
With over 40 different unit sizes, we offer a storage solution that is tailored to your needs. We provide a safe storage solution for your items backed by the on-site team, secure perimeter fencing and walls, controlled access, electronic monitoring, video surveillance and individual alarms.
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