Need convenient, central storage in Stanthorpe? Ideal if you are buying property or moving house. We are located 100m from McDonalds, right in Stanthorpe.
In Warwick (07) 46618100, Stanthorpe (07) 46814444, Glen Innes (02) 67321855. (we also serve Applethorpe, Glen Alpin, Balladean, Wallangarra, Liston, The Summit Deepwater, Emmaville, Deepwater, Glencoe, Allora, Killarney).
We have comprehensive security with CCTV, guard patrols, double locks and a caretaker. Our rates are better than regional rates and a 1/3 of metro prices. Ideal for long term if you are out of the country! We have storage for caravans, boats, cars, household, records and all things per storage agreement. are Self Storage Association Registered and have a quality guarantee; and can help get removalist's quotes. Visit our web site or ring our staff!
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