Natural Technology Systems the oldest established Renewable Energy Company in SA is 100% SA family owned. You deal with real SA people, not a call Centre Interstate for sales service and warranty. Our Office and showroom are located at 120 Prospect Road Prospect or contact 83447298 for our professional staff who are ready to ensure you get the expert information you need. We have been in prospect since 1984 at the same location.
Using these industry leading products offers peace of mind to guarantee your investment
Natural Technology Systems has been in the forefront developing the modern Hybrid Solar Diesel Power Technology and has designed and installed systems in all states in Australia for the last 28 years.
We were in the forefront of the Grid connect market in SA when the PVRP Program began and develop the current Grid connect Kits Marketed in Australia
We have installed approx 2500 Grid connect systems in SA ranging from
1Kw to 30 Kw .
Natural Technology Systems has the skilled personal to provide design management and installation of each individual Project specified .
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