What we offer is very simple:
Best tasting, highest quality protein powders, plus the strongest fat burners and other Non-Protein Products in Oz, at the Lowest Prices.
The last 25 years Universal Fitness have helped and educated well over 25 thousand bodybuilders, weight loss clients and the general fitness people with success well beyond people's expectations. Some have gone onto great heights to become MR Olympia's. See success stories you'll be amazed. Go to www.universalfitness.com.au
In 2001, after many years of studying sports nutrition and researching ingredients I began developing and Manufacturing my own high quality protein powders, fat burners and other products containing herbs and Amino Acids. They are the strongest formulas on the Australian market and designed to enhance the body's functions, achieving better workouts and maximum results. This also includes great value for your money.
Creating the Universal Fitness label/brand and the success has been phenomenal. It's now been 15 years since I first started developing products and we are still going strong. If they weren't good I wouldn't be here. So try my products you'll save Money and achieve better results.
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