Smart Solutions Rehab Group specialises in the provision and coordination of multidisciplinary team services including: Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology, Podiatry, Dietetics, Social Work, Nurse Practitioner.
We can offer individual rehabilitation services or a fully comprehensive team approach that integrates the services and strategies you need to achieve the best outcome.
Our Specialty Services include:
Functional assessment, Slow stream rehabilitation, Neurological rehabilitation, Cognitive assessment, Falls prevention, Equipment prescription, Major and Minor Modifications, Splinting, Lymphoedema services, Vascular services, Driving assessment, Workplace assessment, Ergonomic assessment. Dementia Support, Wound and Vascular Clinic, Chronic Disease, Pain Management, Case Management.
Our aim:
Smart Solutions Rehab Group is committed to assisting every individual to live the best life they possibly can and to reaching their full potential.
Our mission:
To provide holistic assessment, appropriate evidence based treatment plans, clear goals and treatment time frames and to provide you with a self-management plan that puts you back in control of your health.
Our promise is to:
Listen closely to your needs; Ensure you have choice and control; Deliver the outcome you have requested.
Currently we offer both mobile and clinic based services. We can come to you at your place of residence or work, or you are welcome to attend our clinic location in the heart of the Maroochydore CBD.
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