Client Groups Serviced by YPOT Include:
Adults, Aged and DVA eligible clients
?Home safety assessments
?Falls prevention assessments
?Equipment and assistive aides recommendations
?Minor modifications recommendations such as handrails
?Major home modification recommendations such as ramps and bathroom modifications
?Hand therapy and basic splinting for clients with arthritis or repetitive use injuries
?Joint protection and energy conservation assessments and recommendations.
Children and Families
?Assessments and treatment of children who may have
◾a delay in their development,
◾co-ordination problems,
◾fine or gross motor issues,
◾visual perception difficulties,
◾sensory processing problems,
◾handwriting difficulties,
◾self-care or difficulties with daily living tasks,
◾a diagnosis which affects their functioning, e.g. Autism, Down syndrome, mild to moderate level cerebral palsy, or mental health issues.
?Home program development to assist parents, families and care givers in their own environment
?Development of programs for kindergartens and schools to assist the child within their learning environments.
?Home safety assessments for equipment and assistive aides recommendations, and minor modifications and major home modification recommendations.
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