Dr Edward Dulitsky is a Holistic Doctor that specializes in Regenerative Medicine and is one of pioneers of Ozone Therapy (Active Oxygen Therapy) and Holistic Aesthetic Medicine in Australia and Sydney.
Dr Dulitsky offers large variety of Regenerative and Ozone therapy procedures including Prolozone, PRP (Platelets Rich Plasma), Natural Injectables, Acupuncture, therapy.
Dr Dulitsky has developed a unique method of integrative rejuvenation which address many problems of aging and health from the inside out.
Asa part of his method he developed Advanced Pain Mangement program that address the pain but also repairs the damaged tissue.
As a Holistic Regenerative Clinician Dr Dulitsky specializes at:
Sport Injuries
Back Pain
Arthritis (All types)
Disc bulges and protrusions
Tennis Elbow
and many other muscular-skeletal conditions
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