Head Above Water For Life Offers private swimming lessons for children and adults in the comfort and convenience of the family swimming pool. Learning to swim in the home pool is more conducive and provides a less stressful atmosphere/environment than the larger commercial pools. For example: less distraction, no distracting noises, smaller class sizes (depending on the type of lessons that suit you), same instructor from beginning to end of your child's swimming education.
Classes are offered all year round. in the family pool or a location close to home. after school on the weekend as well as morning classes. We tailor our classes to suit your families schedule. Head Above Water instructors have all the relevant qualifications (austswim-national certificate, infant aquatics designed around the pre-schooler, senior first aid) as well as a police clearance certificate allowing us to teach your most valuable asset, your child/children. Thus ensuring total peace of mind for mum and dad.
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