Abstract Noir: Its dark, and its abstract..hence the name.....draw from the child with in, from the thoughts that make no sense.
Kawaii Noir, or "dark kawaii" is a variation that describes things that are cute but have a slightly sinister quality to them. I love it..ill cuddle you..then eat you....its just so well real.
I specialize in Kawaii and Abstract Noir, if u dont know what that is go to my tattoo page that shows some examples. This is what i really love doing. My Abstract Noir has also been referred to as Brut Art.
("Raw Art" or "Rough Art" in French) is a label created by French painter Jean Dubuffet to describe art created outside the boundaries of official culture. Dubuffet focused particularly on the art of the insane. The English term "Outsider Art", which is synonym for the Art Brut, is often applied more broadly, to include certain works of non-professional artists, who intentionally or not had created original art uninfluenced by the canon.
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