Multicultural Information Network Service Inc (MINS) is a non-for-profit community organisation funded by the Department of Immigration & Citizenship to assist new residents to settle confidently in the communities of the Gympie/Noosa region. MINS invites the participation of local community members who enjoy cultural diversity, to help build a network of support and welcome for recently arrived migrants.
MINS main office is located in Gympie, and visits Noosa twice a month - first Monday and third Wednesday.
* provides opportunities for social participation - Women's Friendship Circle meets in Gympie weekly on Tuesday morning, and on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Noosa Leisure Centre; men's group "MULTI MEN"
* hosts regular events for "Culture Friends" social club
* assists with English conversation skills - Language Cafe and tutoring
* holds information sessions & workshops in lifeskills to promote independence, confidence and cultural awareness
* provides advocacy and referrals to government and other community services
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