Business phone names, ya got ya get one!
Try this quick quiz...
Harvey Norman, Sensis, Shannon's, Rams, Doors Plus, Jenny Craig, Holden, ABC Kids, Reflex Copy Paper, Red Rooster, Bob Jane, Domino's, Subway.
From the list below, see if you can pick the phone numbers of the famous national brands above.
13 BOB JANE, 1300 4 JENNY, 13 RAMS, 13 GOGO, 1800 SENSIS, 1800 HOLDEN, 1800 ABC KIDS, 1800 DOORS PLUS, 1300 SUBWAY, 1300 DOMINO'S, 1300 ROOSTER, 1800 DOORS PLUS, 1300 GO HARVEY, 1800 REFLEX.
The big end of town worked out a long time ago that when you advertise, people may well remember your product but not your phone number.
The solution? Easy! Include your business name in your business phone number and see how the phone response rate from your advertising increases up to 300%.
Take our business phone number for example. Would you remember (1800368472) OR 1800 ENVISAGE ?
What about your number, is it as easy as 1800 MY BUSINESS? Well it can be and it won't cost you a fortune but it might make you one.
Use our easy on line form to register your preferred business number and we'll tell you if it's available. It's that easy.
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