Telephone carrier employees are no longer the only cablers who are allowed to install, relocate and repair extra phone outlets in homes, offices etc. Consumers can now use the services of a registered or licensed cabler to carry out telephone work past the carriers network boundary on their property to their phone lines. We are ACMA nee AUSTEL Licensed.
As a Telecommunication business we specialize in the installation and relocation of extra phone sockets to your existing telephone lines for phones, internet connections ADSL & cable broadband (modems), faxes and answering machines in homes and offices as well as prewires for premises under construction. We also reconfigure and reconnect existing phone points and supply and fit - ADSL filters & central splitters, data cabling for computer LAN'S (CAT 5,6,7).
We service all suburbs - covering inner and outer Eastern, Northern, Western and Southern suburbs including the Mornington Peninsular, Dandenongs, Diamond Valley, Yarra Valley, Kinglake, Melton, Sunbury, Gisborne, Bacchus Marsh and Lang Lang. Ask about our super fast same day service & fixed time bookings* We offer discounts for Pensioners, Seniors and War Veterans. No Extra Charge on Weekends. Free Estimate and advice by phone* Subject to Workload.
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