Tiny Teams is the latest toy sensation from Tonz Sportz, a family owned Australian Toy Company dedicated to creating fun toys that encourage kids to use their imagination. At Tonz Sportz we believe that old fashioned fun that the whole family can play is the best way to get kids to use their imagination and engage with the family unit.
Tiny Teams are fully positionable action figurines for a range of popular Australian sports. Tiny Teams Aussie Rules comes in 8 team sets plus a playing field and umpires set. Each teams has it's own unique jumper design, team logo, club history, and legendary player profiles. You can read the history and player profiles on this website and kids can choose their favourite team.
Kids can develop rivalries between friends' favourite teams, create leagues among friends, and swap players. Tiny Teams are very affordable so kids can own multiple sets to create their own leagues.
If you're worried about your kids playing too many computer games, watching too much TV, or just not using their imagination enough, then Tiny Teams is a great way to bring some old fashioned fun back into their lives!
We are based in Kingsley, Western Australia but all Tiny Teams sets are available to purchase through our online shop.
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