Quote-Buster Policy - Save 10-50% on your best quote!...over 30 years experience in all kinds of Property Maintenance & Management ...Specialising in Tree Reduction & Removal...Block Clearing, Tree Mulching, Stump Grinding,Rubbish Removal, ...Material Handling & Cartage, Latana Removal, Slashing (small & large areas) ...many other skilled services...just run it past us! 100's of written references from past clients...Fully Insured...Prompt & Professional...Pension Discounts.
Fully Equipped... including:
* remote controlled 16ton crane tip truck with revolving grab clam/ bucket & 6.5m /22 cubic metre tipping body...
*Duel cab 3.5 ton Tipper with 8 cubic metre dropside tip body...
* Articulated 4wd Mini Loader - (doesn't damage lawns as skid steers do!) Accessories: 4in1 bucket, grapple, crane, forks, stump grinder, flail mower,
* 15 inch whole tree chipper
* 14 metre tracked remote controlled cherry picker
* 4 wd trayback pickup
Let our 'Zero' damage & Injury claim record work for you!
Don't risk damage to you or your neighbours property...choosing the right tree reduction & removal business is not like getting someone to mow your lawn...serious damage &/or injury can be yours for a very long time by just putting price before experience...free inspections, advice & quotations
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