Looking for tutoring?
High school Science and Maths driving you up the wall?
Looking for just that extra bit of help with homework?
We can help!
At AP Tutors, we provide tutoring in Maths and Science at all levels of high school. We are a group of engineering professionals specializing in Geotechnical and Electrical Engineering industries, and are dedicated to helping students get the best results in high school as possible, at affordable rates. We provide tutoring in the following areas:
Maths (Basic, 2U, 3U, 4U)
Business Studies
We also provide tutoring solutions for younger students needing guidance in the early years of high school. We can also provide university level assistance for Engineering students in their 1st and 2nd years of the degree.
We offer tutoring solutions designed specifically to each student's preference and needs. We provide, one on one private tutoring services, however also offer group tutoring for discounted prices. For students needing online assistance, we also offer the option of online guidance sessions via Skype.
Contact us to find out more about the tutoring solution we can offer you!
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