We offer the highest level of private home tutoring at an affordable price. Our company 7 Day Tutors does not have any yearly membership fees. It is simply pay-as-you-go at $50 per hour. Our tutorials are one-on-one, giving you the benefit of the undivided attention of your tutor. We provide modern techniques in tutoring, which include ensuring that the student is largely interacting during the tutorial. This ensures that they will be able to succeed in exams when they only have themselves to rely on! All our tutors are thoroughly screened and hold in-date Education Blue Cards. The tuition is provided in your own home.
Please email us the subject(s) you would like tutoring in, the relevant year level(s), your postcode (important) and your contact details. We will register your information and then contact you as soon as a tutor becomes available, which should be immediate.
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