Pacific Media is a pay TV operator established at 2005, we offering a wide range of channel for the ethnic groups, such as Vietnamese, Cambodian, Indian, Bengali and much more.
The shareholders of Pacific Media all have extensive experience in satellite TV. Our Vietnamese and Cambodian channels are successful launched and gaining profit in the past 4 years. Pacific Media will be able to utilize the existing infrastructure owned by its shareholders, and will be able to manage storage and human resources in the most cost efficient manner.
Pacific Media hopes to cater for the ethnic population living in Australia. In Australia, with 43% of the residents born overseas and more than 200 spoken languages, Australia has one of the most diverse populations in the world. Multiculturalism celebrates Australian traditions, recognizing that the country?s culture is vibrant, multifaceted, living and constantly evolving.
Delivering the best quality products and services on offer to customers at the best prices
Our aim is to provide quality and affordable multilingual and multicultural television services for ethnic minority residents in Australia, for the purposes of information, education and entertainment. Therefore Pacific Media is developing the new business venture endeavors to differentiate itself from other satellite pay-TV providers in the following aspects:
Our Multi-language channels
For utilizing the unique Australian demography, we will be targeting a wider base of ethnic groups in Australia. Provide low monthly fee to attract new customers, and at the same time, maintain existing customers. This will help us to maintain a high customer base. Following from the above, a large customer base means there will be a market for commercial advertising on each of the channels. Advertisings can be customized to suit each particular language group. Further, because this will be the only satellite TV service for a number of ethnic groups, the viewing rates will almo
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