As the name says we are a ladies club. We meet on the second Thursday of each month for our General Meeting in the hall of the Community of Christ Church, 2 Logan St. Frankston. 10am - 12pm. We usually have a guest speaker at the general meeting; there's a coffee morning on the Third Thursdays when we get together and either just chat or we have fashion parades, cooking demonstrations, make up demos, perhaps a theme day, e.g., bring in your wedding photos, or baby photos, and see if we can guess who it is; maybe a Devonshire tea one morning; bring along one of your pretty cups and saucers and tell us the history; you know the drill. We have coach outings or go somewhere nice for lunch on the fourth Thursdays; we have card afternoons, day trips, general chat mornings, etc. We have a lay by system to help you pay for the outings so it's not so much coming out of the purse at one time.
New members are always welcomed. If you are searching for something interesting and fun to spice up your life please come along and see how we operate, you'll enjoy yourself.
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