Obesity and overweight associated illnesses: High Blood pressure, Diabetes (blindness, kidney failure, amputations), Coronary Heart Disease, Osteoporosis, Cancer, Stroke, Gall bladder disease, Sleep Apnoea, Breathlessness, Asthma, Depression, Daytime fatigue, Gout, reproductive problems, etc.
Start to lose weight now to avoid all these.
Herbalife Weight Management products personalise your daily protein intake to match your body’s needs. With the right amount of daily protein you feel healthy and satisfied as you slim down easier than you ever imagined possible.
Losing weight with Herbalife products is easy as 3-2-1.
3 Times a Day -take your supplements and enhancers daily to support healthy weight management.
2 Shakes, Personalised two meals – replacement shakes, personalised to the protein needs of your body, plus protein snacks to keep your metabolism up and hunger at bay. Shakes are simple to make, tasty and fun.
1 Colourful Meal, eat one healthy meal of foods you love each day, making sure to include a source of lean protein plus colourful fruits and vegetables.
I recommend the following weight management programmes:
1. Quick start programme plus F#4 with price $250 and includes:
Formula 1 - nutritional shake
Multivitamin Complex – a multivitamin support
Formula 5 – herbal supplement for losing centimetres
Chitosan – fat blocker
NRG – guarana base supplement – curb hunger and speeds up weight loss
Formula 4 – provides skin elasticity
2. Advanced Programme plus F#4 and Protein powder with price $365:
The same as above plus:
Instant Herbal Tea – burning fat tea
Protein Powder: adding to shake and personalise your program, give the control of hunger
3. My wife's programme : Ultimate programme with F#4 plus protein powder with price $450:
As above plus Florafiber – for a good intestinal flora
Herbal Aloe Drink – good digestion and speeds up the weight loss process up to 40 percent.
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