Looking for the best YOGA in WAGGA?
You have found it!
We offer your first 8 DAYS OF YOGA CLASSES with us FOR JUST $20.
Come try it out. BEGINNERS yoga - ADVANCED WELCOME!
What you can expect:
* Personalised yoga classes that cater to your needs
* Welcoming and professional yoga teachers
* A comfortable, safe and nurturing environment
* A friendly yoga community
* Meditation classes and workshops
And so much much more
Check out our website to see our Yoga class timetable
Our yoga classes include:
-Yoga classes -Beginners yoga classes -Prenatal yoga
-Hot Yoga -Dynamic yoga -Private yoga
-Vinyasa -Free yoga classes -Beginners meditation
Other services we offer
- Massage Therapy - Remedial massage - Beauty Therapy
- Counseling - Nutritional consultations - Natural Health consultations
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