Where is the School?
THE HARMONY SCHOOL OF YOGA is situated at 554 High Street Road, Mount Waverley 3149 (Melways Ref 61J12) and is generally open 30 minutes before the commencement of each class. There is also a purpose built private yoga studio at 24 Sampson Drive, Mount Waverley 3149 where a few classes are held by prior arrangement.
Where can I park?
Parking is available in the public car park situated between the Car Sales Yard and the Restaurant off High Street Road. The Yoga Studio entrance faces High Street Road. Parking in front of the Yoga School is reserved for yoga teachers or those with disabilities or special needs.
Check our website for more information on our wide range of classes available, more information on our timetable, and our 20112scheduled fees.
Bookings are required for all classes.Casual students are welcome providing a phone or email booking is made in advance. Phone Liz Coon on 9803 3494 or email: [email protected]
The Harmony School of Yoga teaches the classic traditional style of Hatha Yoga. It offers a varied mix of both gentle and vigorous yoga classes catering for all age groups, physical and emotional needs and levels of fitness and ability. Progressive relaxation, stress management and meditation classes are also offered.
The School also offers courses in yogi philosophy/esoteric studies with an emphasis on ancient texts such as Patanjaliâ??s Yoga Sutras and the â??Upanishadsâ?�.
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