Personal Trainers
Academy KZST (Personal Coach & Trainer)
Pendle Hill
NSW, 2145
Academy KZST (Personal Coach & Trainer)
Be Your Best (Physically/Mentally/Spiritually)RevDrRon - Nationally Accredited Coach & Trainer, Master Instructor - Martial arts Fitness System,
Certified Shiatsu Therapy Practitioner (NSW College Naturopathic Sciences), Diploma Clinical Hypnotherapy, Diploma Bio-Chemic medicine, Diploma Iridology (QINS). Personal trainer - NCAS Accredited (through the Australian Sports Commission), Certified Reiki master Level I, II & III (Usui Shiki Ryoho). Founder of KiZenShinTao(Martial arts) training system.
After over 25 years of studying and teaching Meditation and Spiritual growth, Ron has been formally recognised, and been ordained as an Interfaith Spiritual minister(Reverend) and has been awarded a doctorate(Spiritual Theological degree), he retains a balanced pragmatic approach and utilises the arts, modalities and systems he has studied wherever a client or student can positively benefit from these alternative therapies and systems.
RevDrRon is available for:- Individual or Group Coaching/Training
Life & Personal Success Coaching, Personal Therapy consultation, Spiritual guidance and advice; Corporate lecture or Public speaking engagements. HSG(Human Spiritual Growth) & Meditation Course run regularly; Infinite Energy/Spiritual Meditation Course by email/phone
FREE 14 page E-booklet 'Human Spirit' and over 1000 pages of Spiritual/Healing information available.
Training/Coaching/Consultation fees and Course fees are at very reasonable rates.
Anyone without the resources to pay these fees please still contact me
as sponsorship (by UHS Ministries) may be able to help.
Spiritual guidance and advice is at your choice of Gift contribution.
Phone enquiries: 0421 553 784 (Sydney, Australia)
PO Box 389, PENDLE HILL NSW 2145 AUSTRALIA (Enquiries welcome)
email: [email protected] more