Acupuncture Hub
Currently open
7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Acupuncture Hub
A lot of people are becoming curious about acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in general, so I will outline a very brief and general description of what it is to me. Acupuncture is an internal medical system designed to look at the body as a whole. The meridians and internal organs are linked and together deal with the food you eat, the environment in which you live (hot,cold,humid,dry) and the emotions with dominate (fear, anger, sadness, worry) . All these factors will affect your state of health and each person is subject to their unique combination of these factors. On top of that each of us is born with a different constitution (DNA) which affects the way disease manifest in the body. Acupuncture uses the meridians and acupuncture points to affect the internal organs and as such affect blood, the immune system, interstitial fluids and general body fluids. The Chinese used the terms qi, blood and body fluids (over 2000 years ago). So, when you bring the bodies attention to an area, the body has an amazing ability to correct imbalance and heal itself. Acupuncture directs the body to help itself. In my practice i am currently treating sleep disorders, Retinitis Pigmentosa (eye disease), lower back pain, chronic fatigue, Ross River fever, fertility, stress, shoulder and neck issues and general health and well more
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