Always on Sale
Always on Sale offers leading brand products to customers. Regardless of which item you purchase, you are assured that you have selected a product from our range of reputable brands. You will receive exactly what you ordered in a secure environment, conveniently delivered to your door.
Bigger than any department store, we source thousands of products from Australia's leading manufacturers from technology to lifestyle products and more. We sell only new, leading brand merchandise. No seconds or second hand here. Our value is second to none with prices well below RRP as we buy directly from the manufacturer and then sell directly to you.
Contact Always on Sale:
Tel: 1300 789 377
Fax: (02) 9555 2947
Write to us at:
145 Darling Street
Balmain, NSW 2041
Always on Sale ABN: 49 002 693 656
Need more information?
Found something to purchase? Need more information? With thousands of offers that are Always on Sale, unfortunately we cannot provide detailed information on all offers. Please check out the manufacturer's site for specifications, but dont forget to return to Always on Sale to make your purchase and save.
How do we do it?
Sourcing Power
With years of experience, we have formed relationships with some of Australias largest, trusted brands to bring you competitively priced offers. You receive the benefit of our experience and purchasing power.
Payment Security
If you have any concerns about shopping over the Internet, you'll be reassured by our Triple Lock credit card security guarantee. With three levels of protection, you can shop with absolute confidence.
Backed by Australia's largest direct sales company famous for supporting many blue chip corporate rewards programs for over 20 years, Always on Sale is a reputable and trusted on-line business. With the expert support on a customer service team and bricks and mortar warehouse, Always on Sale delivers quality brand name product to your door more
Contact details
Lots of well known brands, not junky products from unknown brands. Mostly good prices too, much better than retail.
It's interesting that you've only submitted 2 reviews ever. One for always on sale and one for travel on sale. Your comments certainly don't fit with my experience of this company