Amazon Lawns & Gardens
Amazon Lawns & Gardens are dedicated to helping you maintain a beautiful, lush garden. Keeping a healthy lawn is mush more than just a quick water and a once over with a mowerAmazon Lawns & Gardens is your locally owned operated gardening service. Our locally owned and operated business offers a personal touch which only come with local knowledge. Our friendly and helpful staff are always willing to offer advice and are happy to discuss your individual needs.
:Lawn Mowing
:Garden Maintenance
:Weed Control
:Hedge Trimming
:Cuttings Removal
:Small Tree Lopping
Broad Acreage. Large Areas. Open Spaces. Small Areas
Amazon Lawns & Gardens are catered to your needs. Every job is different so we like to offer personalised service. Our owner operated business means the boss works closely with the clients and we always achieve the best results. Our pricing you will find to bet to be reasonable priced for both Mowing & Gardening. more
Contact details
Payment options
- Direct Deposit
- Cash
Opening Hours Detail
- Times Vary - call for details
- Closed Public Holidays