Annandale Auto Services
Closed until Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
50B Albion St
Annandale, NSW, 2038
Annandale Auto Services
Think Mechanic, think Annandale Auto Services.At Annandale Auto Services, we pride ourselves on offering the best service in Sydney. Whether it’s a scheduled service or something more urgent, We will listen to what you need and use our 40 years of experience in the trade to give you the best service possible. Our team of car mechanics in Sydney are trained and have years of expertise in dealing with cars from distinguished manufacturers.
-All Mechanical Repairs
-Logbook Servicing
-Authorized Safety Check Stations
-Auto Electrical Repairs
-British Sports Car Specialist
-Breaks & Clutch Repairs
-Wheel Alignment & Tyre Balance Service
-Suspension & Steering
-Mufflers & more
Contact details
- Hyundai
- Audi
- Renault
- Daewoo
- Kia
- Daihatsu
- View more (12)
- Ute
- 4WD
- Car
- Hybrid
- Suspension
- Shocks
- Tune-Ups
- Roadworthy Certificates
- Brakes
- Safety Checks
- View more (6)
- Licensed Vehicle Tester
- Registered
- Accredited
- Certified
Payment options
- Cash
- Cheque
- Visa
- MasterCard
Opening Hours Detail
- Closed Public Holidays
I took my car to Barry for the first time and was really impressed. He is a really nice, honest guy who preformed a great service on my car including installing a new timing belt kit.
I found him to be very well priced and to use decent parts and oils.
Overall I couldn't recommend Barry enough.
Just want to let you know about this quaint little workshop I have found in Annandale, it's a bit hard to find down a lane way at 50 Albion Street (NOT the big place on the corner of Albion and Trafalgar) but was well worth it. The owner Barry was very helpfull when I dropped of my Madza gave me a fixed price for the service and promised to call if he found any other problems. We he did call and I had to have new front brake pads. When I collected my car he went through the bill and even showed me the old parts. What a nice guy. Highly recommend.