Art of Heath - Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
Currently open
10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Art of Heath - Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
Most people now-a-days have the wrong idea as what is a healthy lifestyle or healthy diet. Each individual is different so not everyone have the same needs in their diet. We at art of health will teach how to deal with first signs of fever /cold with a simple remedy that will increase your immune system, what to do with a sprain ankle to decrease the recovery time and reduce swelling on the spot, how to deal with simple constipation/ diarrhoea, natural pimple cream/ achene, natural hair regrowth/ hair darkening formula that can be made at home. At Art of health, we are not only here to treat your sickness but also here to spread a forgotten understanding of a healthy lifestyle and diet, because doctors will never be by your side your your knowledge will.
It is remarkable that Traditional Chinese Medicine with 5,000 years+ of history are still so applicable today. There is no point healing the body but you loose your life to drugs and machines, Traditional Chinese Medicine is not a study of the body like conventional medicine it is a study of life. Teaching people keys to a long and healthy life. more
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