Assured Test & Tag
Assured Test & Tag is your local expert, when it comes to electrical safety. Testing and tagging the electrical appliances for identifying electrical faults is a very important safety activity. As an employer, it is your duty under the Australian Standard AS/NZS 3760:2010 to inspect and tag all electrical appliances to maintain a safe working environment for your employees.
This is where Assured Test & Tag comes into the scene. We help you to stay compliant with all legal standards and not worry about Occupational Health and Safety issues. Our fully trained technicians with state-of-the-art test and tag technology help you with the process. Our experience in Electrical test and tag, RCS/RCD testing, Microwave leakage and other safety testing, ensure a safe workplace.
After the completion of the service, we would provide you a detailed list of all appliances that were tested and the results of each test. We provide an on-going service in which we would remind you about the next testing date and also other key elements which are to be kept more