Sports Clubs
Open today
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Social Basketball for Active PeopleBasketball613 is all about playing in a group that promotes confidence and taking care of each other. Big chance that your going to get fit and if you put yourself in, you'll make a couple of friends along the way. Intensity is nice for some but lets not lose sight of what's fun.
A great place for people to meet and play basketball. Very friendly environment that caters for a variety of skill levels and keeps the competition fun. Good if you want to learn, get back into it or just for the fun of the exercise.
I recommend it for anyone looking for a social spot to play ball ;)
Very friendly environment, great talent in the group.
Im Having a very nice experience with basketball 613. After i joined i never looked anywhere else to play ball
And lastly harry and joe the organisers do a great job with B613.
I mean harry is a bit old but he still got it in him :p.
Overall thumbs up (Y)