Bavarian Bier Cafe
Open today
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
24 York St
Sydney, NSW, 2000
Bavarian Bier Cafe
Bavarian Bier Café on York St., Sydney, is a very popular place for a night out with friends and to experience Oktoberfest anytime in Sydney. It is a fun place to be with a large range of beer choices, happy hour and bar challenge events. Over the bar, there are plenty of traditional snacks and meals originating from Germany.
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Here is the most accurate metaphor I can conjure for the Bavarian Bier Cafe:
Imagine a really good pub with really good food and really good service is your BEST mate. Like... this guy has had your back for YEARS.
The Bavarian Bier cafe is that guys older, classier, intelligent hot sister. You're secretly in love with her and you assure your friend it's just a joke when really, you would sell your soul to hear her call you handsome again like that night of the pool party when she - - more