Better Brain
Be the best you can be!Neurofeedback is the process of normalizing brain wave patterns in specific regions of the brain that influence our emotional state and cognitive performance. We provide a comprehensive training system that promotes growth and change at the cellular level of the brain. Neurofeedback is technology's answer to psycho therapy, cognitive rehabilitation, and poor cerebral functioning. It has been successfully applied in the treatment of ADD/ADHD, depression, anxiety, PTSD, personality disorders, addictions, sleep disorders, OCD, Asperger's, autism spectrum etc. It is your drug free alternative, with very few reported side effects.
Better Brain also offer Neurofeedback peak performance training for business executives, athletes, performers and anyone who want to enhance their brain's performance.
Cognitive training games builds attention, reasoning, memory, listening skills, impulse control and processing speed... the basics you need for academic and life success.
COGNITIVE TRAINING: Attention skills development, Visual motor skills development, Conceptual memory development, Numeric Concepts and memory skills development, Logic skills development, Working memory skills development, Auditory working memory development and Real life working memory skills development.
NEUROFEEDBACK: adhd/add, depression, anxiety, sleeping problems, stress, learning disabilities, stress more
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- By Appointment (Only)
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