Local Search Directory
Live Local Work Local Shop Local - Collaborate GlobalWe connect our local business community and provide a marketplace that enables you to grow and share resources in a collaborative, sustainable and social ecosystem that supports our local economy and social cohesion.
The vision is to create solutions from the grassroots up through a culture of collaboration that supports small business and community though a peer to peer network that optimises underutilised resources and helps join the dots between people, spaces and services and programs in a cost-effective way that helps everyone sustain themselves and grow locally. We want to create a strong ethos around community and the '20 Minute neighbourhood' model that advocates for and creates opportunities to work in your �own Post code� for your employer create your own opportunities around future of work and future of community.
BizBuddyHub is a local marketplace membership model that allows everyone in the community the opportunity to connect and trade their skills, products, spare resources and spaces in a simple, relaxed and friendly way that creates cohesion and local economy.
Our Hubs
We are piloting our model out of Wyndham City which is the fastest growing area in Australia, we believe that growth areas, outer-metro areas and regional areas need to decentralise and focus on growing their own local economy and community
Do you want to start a BizBuddyHub in your local area or do you want to become a BizBuddy Associate?
Contact us: ...read more
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