Blaxland Acupuncture
Blaxland Acupuncture
Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Holistic Lifestyle Counselling, Dietary Therapy & Seasonal Eating with practitioner Tina CamilleriTina is an acupuncturist and herbalist with a background in the healing and creative arts. She brings a holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine, Classical Chinese Medicine and Five Element styles which she has studied at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Key areas of interest include working with the Spirit or psyche, relaxation support, the treatment of chronic pain, face and jaw pain (tooth grinding, chronic blocked ears, ENT problems), sciatica, knee injuries, stress, anxiety, grief and loss support, teenage health (constant worrying, busy mindedness, back or wrist pain from study), period pain, endometriosis and helping through the transitions of menopause. Tina is also a strong believer in preventative medicine and the benefits of seasonal treatments or what her patients call "tune-ups".
Herbal medicine formulas are prepared at the clinics on-site dispensary, and are made from high quality, non-endangered plant materials. Tina also sells medicinal soup ingredients and a range of other handmade more
Contact details
- [Personalised hand-blended herbal medicine formulas made from ethically harvested roots, rhizomes, flowers, seeds, shoots, shells and berries. We also sell handmade ceramics, teas, botanical cards, textiles, hand carved spoons, dream pillows & art books that all reference the wonders of Nature]