Alternative Medicine
Breath & Body Clinic
Breath & Body Clinic
Osteopathy, Integrative Breathing Therapy- Our aim is to help you to be healthy and pain freeDr Rosalba Courtney ND DO PhD is an experienced Osteopath with over 35 years in practice and with a PhD in breathing therapy. She provides treatment for all types of pain and injury as well as respiratory diseases, breathing dysfunction and stress related breathing difficulties in adults and children.
Her approach to manual therapy/muscular skeletal pain and injury is integrative and holistic combing the latest evidence based active rehabilitation approaches with traditional hands on Osteopathic techniques. All Osteopathic treatments are a minimum of 30 minutes. Osteopathic treatment is available for adults and children.
Individuals with breathing problems receive comprehensive breathing and health assessment and treatment is tailored to their individual needs. Breathing therapies include the Buteyko Method, breathing retraining, biofeedback, altitude training and breath mindfulness and relaxation. Breathing retraining is often combined with Osteopathic treatment, other types of exercise including oromyofacial and throat exercises and mindful movement exercises.
Groups programs that are run on a regular basis include Better Breathing for Asthma, COPD and Sleep Disordered Breathing, Breath Mind Body Stress Reduction and Healthy Breathing Healthy Child. more
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