Catholic Church
Be not afraid! Love us, try us, Let Faith work for U!The perfect, civilized human being is made up of three (3) distinct but interactive parts: a healthy and fit body, an intelligent mind and a pure, unblemished Soul.
A pure Soul is the master key to your rational happiness and contentment because it is indestructible and lives forever.
Keeping your Soul pure is very simple! The strength of your Faith purifies your Soul.
God told us to celebrate the miracle of the Blessed Eucharist at Mass in His Catholic Church, to keep our Faith strong and our Soul worthy of His eternal reward.
Celebrating the Blessed Eucharist and practicing your Faith in the traditional, disciplined and strict Polish way, by attending Masses at our glorious Catholic Church, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Queen of Poland at Marayong, will provide you with world class training to nourish and fuel your soul, guaranteeing that you will develop rational happiness and perfection as a civilized human being.
Our beloved Catholic Church is an indestructible spiritual fortress of good securely protecting you against the corrosive forces of evil! It is a symbol before which all hell trembles in more
Contact details
- The Blessed Sacraments
- Catholic Liturgy
- Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Faith Hope and Charity/Love
Payment options
- Gift Vouchers
- Cheque
- Cash
Opening Hours Detail
- Times Vary - call for details