My wife and I, both 80 yrs of age, both love the tennis. Channel 9 is the only channel that consistently breaks up to the point that we cannot watch the channel. All other channels come through loud and clear. We have got to the point that we just do not watch Channel 9 and this has been going on for several years.
Why only channel 9. It is so bad that the TV sounds like it will blow up with loud bangs and all sorts of noises.
I missed a Wolf Creek Episode and simply wanted to know why I couldn't get it on Channel 9 Back up. Receptionist passed me through to a "Tech" who told me there was not really a Channel 9 Backup it was all really just Channel 9 Now and he couldn't help me as he was a "Tech" and not a programmer. Couldn't pass me onto a Programmer or the Reception as he was on a mobile phone. So I had to ring back to Channel 9 to try and get an answer. Different recptionist this time who, after checking, told me that Channel 9 only had the rights to show the Wolf Creek series but not the right to have it as a back up. Who signed that contract ? :-)
Then checked to be told they have no rights to show it again. So, is there really a Channe 9 Backup section or not? If not, why do I constantly seem to be hearing about it? Why not make it a seperate section and divide the stuff that is actually streaming now and the stuff that has already been shown that peope , who more