Helping people convert possibilities into a reality.Personal coaching is chiefly about discovery, awareness and choice. It's a way of effectively empowering you to find your own answers, encouraging and supporting you on the path forward as you continue to make important choices in your life.
Through the coaching process, participants re-assess life and career goals, develop a workable action plan, resolve past issues to move forward confidently and wisely.
You know it's time to create a change, but you're not sure where to start!
Now you can get professional help.
Call Vicki today and talk to a qualified Life Coach about how you can move forward on the things that matter most to you.
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- - Resume Consulting - Career Coaching Series - Job Seeker Services - Life Coaching Strategies - Health & Wellness Coaching - Outplacement /Redundancy Program - E-Books: Health & Vitality Program Interview Techniques Guide Job Search Strategies