Supermarket & Grocery Stores
Currently open
7:00 am - 9:00 pm
722-728 David Low Way
Pacific Paradise, QLD, 4564
How many unsatisfied customers share my numerous experience with this store?
A regular pick and collect customer here
Everytime I order fresh produce they always seem to pick and pack the oldest about to go out of date produce for these orders.
The amount of rubbish quality of produce I have received over the years is unacceptable, hence I stopped ordering their produce online.
However I have just got out of hospital and needed some urgent groceries and produce
Sure enough the packet of beans I received had 1 day expiry date on it, fresh raspberries were already soft, onions were old and my large bottle of coffee milk the packaging looked old and had no use by date on it.
Totally unacceptable !!!