Gyms & Fitness Centres
Colonel Light Kindergym Inc.
Currently open
9:30 am - 12:30 am
Colonel Light Kindergym Inc.
Activate - Participate - Stimulate.Our Kindergym Program offers:
*Movement based activities
*balance, sliding, climbing, jumping
*This will assist your child in development of coordination, confidence, creativity and self-esteem.
*A safe environment providing a wide range of stimulating and challenging equipment.
*A chance for you and your child to play and learn together.
*An opportunity to participate in individual, partner and group activities with and without small hand equipment
*balls, bean bags, hoops, scarves and streamers.
*Music, games, songs and dances suited to your childs development needs.
Programs Offered
Babies/Toddlers: 6 to 18 months
Concentrates on developing muscle groups & encouraging caregivers to join in & have fun with their babies.
Kindergym: 18 months to 3 years
Further develops gross & fine motor skills in a socially interactive environment that enhances caregiver/child relationship.
Pre-Gym: 3 to 5 years
Slightly more structured in activities but still based on the philosophy of:
Structuring the environment and not the child.
All sessions are 45 to 60 minutes in duration and consist of a warm up, free play exploration and a group time to finish off the session
For a free come and try session, and for information regarding fees, please call our Administration Officer during session times. Feel free to email us.
For current fees please refer to our website. [email protected]
Casual Visit Fee Price on Arrival
For more information please phone Sue on 8271 8912
* Enthusiastic, Friendly Leaders
* Air Conditioned Venue
* Gymnastics Australia Star 3 Accredited Kindergym
* Established 25 more